Zeus was married to Hera, and he had many concubines. Zeus turned Io-one of his concubines into a bovine and gifted her as cow to Hera.
The suspicous Hera appointed Argus as her private-eye to keep an eye on her cheating husband and the mistress cow.
Lucky for him he had 100 eyes. But Zeus unable to withstand anguish sent Hermes the messenger to shoot the guard.
Hermes wasnt as good as my physics teacher who can put 100 students with her monologue to sleep u in 10 mins, This guy after painful process of music and monologue succeeded in putting 100 eyes of Argus to sleep. Too bad he didnt have Adam Sandler's movies.
The tale of Pan and Syrinx finally lulled Argus to sleep. Once the hundredth eye had shut, Hermes struck, killing Argus in his slumber.
In tribute to her trusted watchman, Hera took the eyes of Argus and set them to the tail of her favorite bird, the peacock and not on peahen.
And who is the donor of coconut's three eyes, I dont know. And Hera didnt she know that the cyclops had only one-eye, if at all she wanted to donot Argus's 100 eyes, why werent cyclops considered?
Squirrel and Rama
In Ramayana, to resuce his kidnapped wife Sita from Lankan King Ravana, Rama had to cross the ocean to Srilanka from India.
The Indian squirrel wanted to help out, so he rolled his back on beach sand and then ran off to the bridge and then twitched,waggled,wiggled hard to transfer the sand to the bridge.
It is the thought that counts.
So the pleased Rama, patted him on his back, maybe he patted too much because,his fingers left- not exactly fossiled but left an impression of his three of his fingers (index,middle,ring).
That also resembled the other type of dothead- symbol of hinduism identity Srinamam on Indian palm squirrels back.
Moral of the story: Poor squirrel he didnt even get peanuts for his service, all he got was, a heavy pat on his back, that should explain why they say that HELL is where you have "Indian salary"
And to read another common story between the Greek Argus's 100 eyes and Indian demigod Indra's 1000 eyes from 1000 whispering-eyes, click here.