Remember Lords of the rings, Waybread or Lembas bread made by Elves? Any grown man can eat not more than 4 max? And the bread never runs out?
And after meal and a heavy nap he will put the bones and hide together and hit the hide with his hammer the next morning and the goats will resurrect to life without any reminiscence of the mishap.
The goats that was "served" the before night will continue to "serve" the next day.
The catch is, you arent supposed to eat the hide or the bones. You can eat only the meat. You cant break the bones as well.
Thor even got two servants Roskava and Pjalfi for life as out of court settlement when Pjalfi broke the bone to suck the marrow during its role as dinner which left the goat's leg lame after rebirth.
It was a wonderful vessel given to Yudhishthira by the Lord Surya, which held a never-failing supply of food to the Pandavas every day.
During their exile period, Draupati the single wife of five brothers will cook food in that vessel and it could serve any number of people.
As per mythology any Kshatriya isnt supposed to send any person with empty stomach and all hermits and sages should thrive on panhandling.
After Draupati finished her meal and it is washed and turned down for drying it cant revive food after sundown, only the next morning it can start it's inexhaustible meal process.
Once, couple of sages were sent to Draupati's abode past her meal time,she felt helpless because she didnt want to accumulate the wrath of the sages by denying them dinner.
When they left to take bath for their meal, Lord Krishna came down to save Draupati and he picked the left out single grain from the vessel(Draupati didnt wash it properly) and said "I am good" and that filled his stomach and the entire world's hunger and thereby the sages were no longer hungry and they left without their meal and Pandhavas didnt have to accumulate the wrath.
Moral of the story :
1.If you cant cook or clean, cook a story to make it look like it is a good sign. Blame the fate and destiny.
2. PETA and all newschannels could leave the Trump family and their Africa hunting spree photos and could start the new quest to bring Thor's goats along with his hammer from Asgard to Earth.
There are lot of old-wives tales like this in India for women to escape from their compromised hygiene, compromised cooking etc.,
1. If you happen to find hair in your meal, it means that the bonding between you and your guest is going to last forever.
2. If the food tastes too salty, it means that the cook is horny, you may get lucky with the cook that night.
3. Overflowing milk and rice are good because it may bring prosperity.
4. If your wife eats after you and in same plate as yours without washing, it means that she is very much in love with you, way deep.
5. If you cough during mealtime it means that someone is thinking of you.
6. If you empty the last drop you may marry an attractive spouse.
7. If you spill kumkum,vermilion it is a good sign.
8. Dont pick hairballs of someone else's. If you let them pick then the person to whom the hair belongs to and person who cleaned both may start to fight. To avoid altercation avoid cleaning.
9. Men arent supposed to shave or cut their hair, if their wife is pregnant. [This I think is tit for tat. Maybe to make them look less attractive during the unattractive period of knocked up wives]
10. Dont dressup or comb hair after sunset. [maybe due to limited visibility or maybe due to practice of Indian Geishas-Dasis who dress up during night time alone for their orgies]
Some of the English excuses I know
1. If girls eat the crumbs then she may have chest hair once she grows up.
2. Keeping weddingcake under the pillow to get vision of future husband? [I think again is excuse for all lazy obese ladies obessed with cake and wedding]
Thor's Mjollnir and the goats :
Thor's hammer was one of that kind. It served as a multipurpose tool. Whenever he got hungry, he would kill his two ever-replenishing goats Tanngrisnir -"teeth-barer and Tanngnjostr "teeth grinder". These goats they pull Thor's chariot. And after meal and a heavy nap he will put the bones and hide together and hit the hide with his hammer the next morning and the goats will resurrect to life without any reminiscence of the mishap.
The goats that was "served" the before night will continue to "serve" the next day.

The catch is, you arent supposed to eat the hide or the bones. You can eat only the meat. You cant break the bones as well.
Thor even got two servants Roskava and Pjalfi for life as out of court settlement when Pjalfi broke the bone to suck the marrow during its role as dinner which left the goat's leg lame after rebirth.
It was a wonderful vessel given to Yudhishthira by the Lord Surya, which held a never-failing supply of food to the Pandavas every day.
During their exile period, Draupati the single wife of five brothers will cook food in that vessel and it could serve any number of people.
As per mythology any Kshatriya isnt supposed to send any person with empty stomach and all hermits and sages should thrive on panhandling.
After Draupati finished her meal and it is washed and turned down for drying it cant revive food after sundown, only the next morning it can start it's inexhaustible meal process.
Once, couple of sages were sent to Draupati's abode past her meal time,she felt helpless because she didnt want to accumulate the wrath of the sages by denying them dinner.
When they left to take bath for their meal, Lord Krishna came down to save Draupati and he picked the left out single grain from the vessel(Draupati didnt wash it properly) and said "I am good" and that filled his stomach and the entire world's hunger and thereby the sages were no longer hungry and they left without their meal and Pandhavas didnt have to accumulate the wrath.
Moral of the story :
1.If you cant cook or clean, cook a story to make it look like it is a good sign. Blame the fate and destiny.
2. PETA and all newschannels could leave the Trump family and their Africa hunting spree photos and could start the new quest to bring Thor's goats along with his hammer from Asgard to Earth.
There are lot of old-wives tales like this in India for women to escape from their compromised hygiene, compromised cooking etc.,
1. If you happen to find hair in your meal, it means that the bonding between you and your guest is going to last forever.
2. If the food tastes too salty, it means that the cook is horny, you may get lucky with the cook that night.
3. Overflowing milk and rice are good because it may bring prosperity.
4. If your wife eats after you and in same plate as yours without washing, it means that she is very much in love with you, way deep.
5. If you cough during mealtime it means that someone is thinking of you.
6. If you empty the last drop you may marry an attractive spouse.
7. If you spill kumkum,vermilion it is a good sign.
8. Dont pick hairballs of someone else's. If you let them pick then the person to whom the hair belongs to and person who cleaned both may start to fight. To avoid altercation avoid cleaning.
9. Men arent supposed to shave or cut their hair, if their wife is pregnant. [This I think is tit for tat. Maybe to make them look less attractive during the unattractive period of knocked up wives]
10. Dont dressup or comb hair after sunset. [maybe due to limited visibility or maybe due to practice of Indian Geishas-Dasis who dress up during night time alone for their orgies]
Some of the English excuses I know
1. If girls eat the crumbs then she may have chest hair once she grows up.
2. Keeping weddingcake under the pillow to get vision of future husband? [I think again is excuse for all lazy obese ladies obessed with cake and wedding]