Whereas Shiva and Parvati try all legitimate ways to take over them.
Same, like kid denying to eat till he gets his xbox :)
Sani :Ravana,Srilankan asura king, took control of heaven and brought down all the nine planets (as per hindu mythology sun and moon are also considered as planets) and put them face down on his nine steps to his throne and walked on them to humiliate the gods.
Narada-trickster cajoles Ravana to put them on their back to show his virility by walking on their chest instead of their back. The bad guyRavana does that and when Sani's evil eye gazes him,he becomes victim of thebad luck. It starts with kidnapping and rest is history. Yeah.literally , heardabout story of Ramayana?
Moral of the story: Never yield to fasting trick. Let them stay hungry or put them on timeout.