Cyclops In greek mythology, these are offsprings of Uranus and Gaia, and huge monsters with a single eye on their head. They forged the weapon thunderbolt for Zeus. Polythemus, one of the cyclops was attacked and blinded by Odysseus during his adventure to back home to his Penelope.
Kabandha - In Ramayana, after Rama and Lakshmana chop off one-eyed, no head, no leg monster's long arms and burn him , Kabandha resumes his celestial form of Gandharva. Kabandha was born as a gandharva (celestial musician) named Vishvavasu. After long meditation he was gifted immortality, creator-god Brahma. As usual after the boon, he took violent and bad path and made enemies with Indra and everyone. And there he was cursed to lose his godly looks and became a huge daemon without head and legs and only eyes and mouth in his stomach.Vishvavasu after being cursed by Indra(Zeus) and attacked his weapon Vajra(thunderbolt) became Kabandha.
Rama(Odysseys) kills Kabandha(Cyclop) in course of his mission to rescue his wife Sita(Penelope) during his exile period in forest.
Moral of the story : Never fall for movie title anytime, always check the rating on the movie before you assume the story ;-)Check more comparison mythology stories